When you think of moving to Las Vegas do you envision moving your family and personal belongings into a hotel room? Are you overwhelmed by the thought of year-round scorching temperatures and blowing tumbleweeds? If so, you don’t know Las Vegas!
Encompassing almost 8,000 square miles and at just over 2 million residents, the Las Vegas valley is a diverse and thriving community. It is true that a large percentage of our workforce is supported by tourism, 41% as reported by the Las Vegas Convention and Visitor’s Authority, but there is also so much more to Las Vegas. Below we’ve compiled a list of helpful websites to help you become better acquainted with our great city.
More Than Show-Girls and Cactus
The Las Vegas Chamber has a great section about living Las Vegas including info about living in a desert climate, links to parks and trails info, and practical information such as DMV and voter registration. Many businesses relocate to Southern Nevada to take advantage of our business-friendly tax laws, so the website has also launched an online Nevada Secretary of State Business portal to walk prospective business owners through the easy start-up process.
Clark County has a helpful Residents section which including links to education, parks and recreation, and surrounding cities. We did find that they left off a link for Summerlin, a family-friendly Master Planned community in western Las Vegas. The Summerlin website can be found here. The Clark County website also has some interesting Economic Development information.
Area Vibes is a user-friendly site that applies simple grade scores to the livability of an area. It grades amenities, cost of living, crime, education, employment, housing, and weather (no, we don’t really have year-round scorching temperatures!). Also includes a real estate search but we’d really appreciate it if you searched our website instead. Or better yet, call us so we can help you with your home search (702.350.2289).
GreatSchools ranks public, public charter and private schools on a 1-10 ranking based on locally available student data. You can also visit our local schools individual websites. Clark County School District is the 5th largest school district in the United States and can be found here. Since 1957 University of Nevada, Las Vegas has been a fixture in our community. Click to learn more about UNLV. We also have a very active and quickly growing community college called CSN (College of Southern Nevada).
On The Lighter Side
We know that moving can be stressful and you’re likely overloaded with statistics by now, so let’s lighten things up. The following websites, although not packed with crucial data, definitely add some flavor and offer unique perspective.
Movoto points out that you will definitely want to have a car if you live in Las Vegas. Unfortunately, our public transportation isn’t stellar.
This fun-to-read blog post from Afford Anything highlights some of the benefits of living in Las Vegas.
VitalVegas.com says it has “Essential Las Vegas news, tips, deals, and WTF”. Great site to get familiar with what the Strip and Downtown are about.
Finally, don’t forget that the best resource for information about your move can be a live person who can listen to your needs and address your concerns. Shawn M. Preston has been a successful real estate agent in the Las Vegas area for over 11 years and is ready to help you with your transition into our community. Give Shawn a call anytime; 702.350.2289.